Students and their families learned about authentic programs within CTE Pathway directly from students and teachers passionate about their work!
It has been an exciting year at Liverpool High School, the District has been busy developing new opportunities for our students, including our Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway.
The Foundation and the District held a CTE Pathway Night at Liverpool High School on January 19, 2023. This event began with an overview of Liverpool High School’s CTE Pathway, a light-catered dinner, and a transition into program-specific student and teacher presentations.
Six hands-on, authentic industry-based programs are offered for students.
Within the CTE Pathway, six hands-on, authentic industry-based programs are offered for students and these programs are housed on the Liverpool High School campus.
The students and their families learned about authentic programs within the CTE pathway. Our current CTE students and teachers presented information about each program in their classrooms. Local business and industry partners were on hand to discuss potential opportunities after completing our programs.